
抒情散文2024-04-27 09:26:270
1、最怕此生已经决定自己过,没有你,却又突然听到你的消息。 Most afraid of this life has decided to own, without you, but suddenly hear your news. 2、许多事情,是因为有人相信,才会存在。 Many things exist because someone believes them. 3、假如时光倒流,倒不如眼泪可以倒流。 If time goes back, it's better that tears can go back. 4、众生皆苦,你为苦上苦,世间劫难,你为难上难。 All living beings are suffering. You are suffering. In the world, you are suffering. 5、春脉脉,人楚楚,你像所有的风景,风景像唯一的你。 Spring pulse, people clear, you like all the scenery, the scenery like the only you. 6、每一个坚强的人,都有一颗柔软的心,摆正心态,温柔自相随。 Every strong person, has a soft heart, put the right state of mind, gentle self accompany. 7、今天我丢掉了你,就像一个孩子丢掉了心爱的玩具。 Today I lost you, just like a child lost his favorite toy. 8、别人给不了你幸福,你只有自己去争取幸福。 Others can't give you happiness, you have to fight for it yourself. 9、做人要知足,做事要知不足,做学问要不知足。 To be content in life, to know what is not enough in doing things, and not enough in learning. 10、没你的日子不好过,但我希望你好过。 It's hard to live without you, but I hope you have a good time. 11、该你的不一定能拿到,不该你的一定不是你的。 What belongs to you may not be available. What doesn't belong to you must not be yours. 12、有人说时间会让我忘记了痛。原来时间只是让我习惯了痛。 Some people say that time will make me forget the pain. The original time just let me get used to the pain. 13、喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,要你的未来。 Like you, want your present; love you, want your future. 14、相思苦,相思苦,相恋相思而不得最苦。 Acacia bitter, Acacia bitter, Acacia and not the most bitter. 15、比每天都在想你更难受的是,每天都在想怎么不想你。 What's worse than thinking about you every day is thinking about how not to miss you every day. 16、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。 Love is the history of a woman's life, but only an episode in a man's life. 17、晚点遇见你,余生都是你,最美的你嫁给了最好的爱情。 Meet you later, the rest of your life is you, the most beautiful you married the best love. 18、我可以洒脱放下笑着原谅,只是最初的陪伴早已变了模样。 I can put down freely, smile and forgive, but the initial company has already changed. 19、你的血型是方型的吗?要不为什么你长的这么正。 Is your blood type square? Or why you look so good. 20、我真的不愿意用脚趾头鄙视你。但是,是你逼我这么做的! I really don't want to look down on you with my toes. But you made me do it! 21、寄蜉蝣于天地,渺沧海之一粟,哀吾生之须臾,羡长江之无穷。 Send ephemera in heaven and earth, a tiny drop in the sea, mourn my life for a moment, envy the endless Yangtze River. 22、你要保守你心,胜过保守一切,因为生命的泉源由心发出。 Keep your heart above all else, for the fountain of life comes from your heart. 23、请不要出现在我的梦中,我已担负不起醒来的落空。 Please don't appear in my dream, I can't afford to wake up. 24、失败是成功他妈,他妈你都见过了,你还怕成功离你太远? Failure is success. You've seen it before. Are you afraid that success is too far away from you? 25、有人说我朋友圈没营养,咋滴,你在朋友圈炖骨头汤? Some people say that my circle of friends is not nutritious. Why do you stew bone soup in the circle of friends? 26、夜多无眠,指甲盖上都是丧气。 There is no sleep at night, and there is depression on the nail. 27、孤独的定义,你并没有真正了解。 You don't really understand the definition of loneliness. 28、想想光头强,想想灰太狼,在想想汤姆猫,我有什么理由不坚强。 Think about bareheaded strong, think about gray wolf, think about Tom cat, what reason I am not strong. 29、看得清楚反而朦胧,越是了解反而越是惶恐。 It's hazy to see clearly, and it's frightening to understand. 30、开演的喜剧片,我没法找到纸稿,随后将你大笔抹除。 I couldn't find the paper draft of the comedy that started, and then I wiped you out. 31、人的一生,记忆有限,但总有一个场面,能够代表青春。 People's life, memory is limited, but there is always a scene, can represent youth. 32、要是胡思乱想能瘦身的话,我现在可能瘦的已经只剩灵魂了。 If wishful thinking can slim down, I may have lost only my soul now. 33、你是景色,我是游客,无可避免让我经过。 You are the scenery, I am a tourist, and I can't avoid passing by. 34、你若知我意,为何负我情? If you know what I mean, why do you feel negative? 35、坚信,一个人怀念另一个人的时候,应该是安静的念想。 I firmly believe that when a person misses another person, he should think quietly. 36、我从一开始就不存在,没有回去的地方,也没有回去的意义。 I didn't exist from the beginning, there was no place to go back, there was no meaning to go back. 37、忍受过天塌地陷的折磨,那么你将成为毁天灭地的王者。 If you have suffered from the collapse of heaven and earth, you will become the king of heaven and earth. 38、我看过太多城市,可没有一个有你的名字。 I've seen too many cities, but none of them have your name. 39、在天愿作比翼鸟,在地就要吃烧烤。 If you are willing to be a winged bird in the sky, you should have barbecue on the ground. 40、有时候,你原谅别人,只是因为你还想把他们留在你的生活里。 Sometimes, you forgive people just because you want to keep them in your life. 41、未曾谋面的也终将会相遇,慢慢来吧,慢慢约会吧。 Never met will eventually meet, take your time, take your time dating. 42、好好的散了吧,别把那一点点感情也耗尽了。 Good scattered bar, don't put that little feeling also exhausted. 43、我觉得我们真的不适合当情人,你愿意当我老婆吗? I don't think we are suitable to be lovers. Would you like to be my wife? 44、我好像明白了,你只有走完必须走的路,才能过想过的生活。 I seem to understand that you can't live the life you want to live until you finish the road you have to walk. 45、如果把过去和从前折叠过来,是不是就可以重来。 If you fold the past and the past, you can start over. 46、不合适大概就是,我不能让你快乐,你也只能让我哭。 Inappropriate is probably, I can't make you happy, you can only make me cry. 47、有时候,一切显得那么苍白无力。 Sometimes, everything seems so weak. 48、明明自己不好,却还要伪装得很好。 I know I'm not good, but I have to pretend to be good. 49、我不想做你性命的插曲,只想做你性命最完美的结局。 I don't want to be the episode of your life, just want to be the perfect ending of your life. 50、最后也只是自己受折磨,这点痛又算什么。 In the end, it's just torture. What's the pain.




